Vestibular Rehabilitation

Vestibular Rehabilitation Physiotherapy in Calgary | Vertigo Physiotherapy in Calgary | Skyview Ranch Physiotherapy +1 403-275-0105

Most Canadians suffer from dizziness, headache, and other vestibular disorders nowadays. To help them, and overcome these health ailments, our therapists provide the Vestibular physiotherapy in NE Calgary. Also, we provide special therapy sessions for gaze instability, vertigo, etc. Furthermore, what is special is that we even organize a specific vestibular rehab program for the welfare of the patient. Actually, the patients need to complete this program at home itself.

The thing is that you need to book an appointment with us and visit Skyview Ranch Physiotherapy, Calgary vertigo clinic to heal your pain.

How We Created A Difference in Providing Vestibular Treatments in Calgary?

At Skyview Ranch Physiotherapy vertigo clinic Calgary our main objective is to heal the various symptoms of vestibular disorders such as

  •         Vertigo
  •         Dizziness
  •         Imbalance and falls
  •         Blurry vision
  •         Gaze instability
  •         Headaches
  •         Neck tightness and stiffness

Once our vestibular physio analyze your body condition and you are at which stage of therapeutic disorders, they will schedule a treatment. Such treatment will help to reduce both the primary and secondary problems due to vestibular conditions.

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At first, our therapists will try to get back the balance and stability of a patient. Thereby, it will decrease dizziness due to vestibular disorders like falls and vertigo. The problem with this condition is that only less people can get back to their normal health conditions after getting vestibular therapy. But, in our vertigo physiotherapy Calgary center, we try our maximum to restore the stable condition of patients.

Skyview Ranch Physiotherapy: Centre For Vestibular Physiotherapy in Calgary:

In general, recovery cases of Vestibular disorders are fewer for patients. Thus, at our Vestibular Physio Calgary center, we provide different treatment and rehab programs to help even people suffering from paralyzed vestibular disorders. Also, our therapists will conduct the necessary tests and diagnoses on the patients, in particular, the nervous system. Assessing the brain and nervous system is crucial to estimating the degree of recovery of patients.

In most cases, our Vestibular Physiotherapy Calgary center allows for the natural recovery of patients. In such a natural recovery process, our therapists will teach patients several exercises. Such exercises include,

  •         Cawthorne-Cooksey Exercises
  •         Gaze Stabilization Exercises
  •         Canalith Repositioning Procedures
  •         Brandt-Daroff Exercises

Vestibular Physiotherapists will train you with the above exercises based on your health ailments. Most of the time, we try to use the Vestibular Compensation technique to restore balance and reduce dizziness. This compensation is much helpful in case patients have problems in the left and right vestibular organs in the inner ear.

When we treat the patients with vestibular rehabilitation procedures, they will recover in most cases. But sometimes, these procedures even didn’t work well for some people and they continue to suffer from symptoms. In such a situation, we suggest they go for a vestibular rehab program. 

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Get Benefit From Our Vertigo Physiotherapy in Calgary!

Our vertigo clinic Calgary serves in providing physiotherapy for balance disorders. In addition to that, our vestibular physios provide special treatments for various conditions like

  •         Meniere’s syndrome
  •         Neck-related migraines
  •         Nausea
  •         Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)

Patients with the above health ailments can get a huge benefit from our vestibular rehabilitation physiotherapy treatment.

 How Powerful is Our Vestibular Physiotherapy Treatment?

Actually, physiotherapy treatment for vertigo is the only way to treat vestibular disorders. Getting the treatment in the right way from the good physician also plays a crucial role. At our Calgary vertigo clinic, we allow our experienced physiotherapists to carry out the therapeutic procedure. Thus, getting a Vestibular Physiotherapy in Calgary is much more effective at our center.

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Visit Skyview Ranch Physiotherapy: Vestibular Physio Calgary Centre!

If you have any vestibular disorders, simply book your appointment at our vertigo physiotherapy clinic in Calgary or visit Skyview Ranch Physiotherapy to get an effective Vestibular Physiotherapy Calgary treatment.

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Call Now:
Clinic Address : Unit 1205, 55 Skyview Ranch Rd NE,Calgary Alberta T3N 0A6
Working Hours : Mon - Fri : 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Sat : 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Sunday - 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM