Shockwave Therapy

Shockwave Therapy in NE Calgary

Shockwave Therapy is a type of non-invasive treatment that simply uses sound waves to treat soft tissue injuries. At Skyview Ranch Physiotherapy, we have a team of trained chiropractors and physiotherapists who will provide the professional Shockwave therapy treatment to our patients. At any cost, if you suffer from chronic pain or damage to soft tissues, you can visit our clinic located in North-East Calgary city.

How Effectively Can Our Shockwave Treatment Help Patients?

At our Calgary center, our therapists have vast knowledge and years of experience in providing Shockwave Therapy to patients. We are recommending this therapy due to its accelerated healing ability. It is an effective treatment in healing the calcium deposits on tendons such as the rotator cuff and shoulder tendons. Most patients get relief from muscular back pain after they are exposed to Shockwave therapy. Thus, our therapists recommend this treatment to treat the following conditions.

  •         Neck pain
  •         Acute muscular pain and back pain
  •         Tennis elbow and Golfer’s elbow pain
  •         Plantar fasciitis
  •         Achilles tendonitis
  •         Bursitis
  •         Strains and sprains
  •         Hip pain
  •         Knee pain
  •         Muscle aches
  •         Upper leg-ITB friction syndrome

Our Shockwave Therapy Program At Skyview Ranch Physiotherapy:

At Skyview Ranch Physiotherapy, we provide Shockwave Therapy in such a way that patients respond well to the treatment. Here is the procedure for how we follow the Shockwave therapy at the Calgary center.

  1. The first step involves the initial examination of patients by an experienced physiotherapist or chiropractor. Our therapists will check your previous medical history and the status of your injury.
  2. After this, we will go for a physical examination by means of movement evaluation and orthopedic assessment. In case, if any medical imaging tests are needed, we will ask our patients to undergo a CT scan, MRI scan, or X-ray examination.
  3. Once a diagnosis is over, we will understand the main cause of injuries and go for treatment accordingly. We will discuss with our patients on how shockwave therapy will treat the condition best.

Our therapists provide this treatment in order to increase the cell metabolism in your body to get rid of damaged cells. So, it will result in increasing the tissue healing process. Our shockwave treatment will also help to increase blood circulation and thereby allow more oxygen to move to the affected area for tissue healing. Thus, our shockwave therapy comes as the finest, non-invasive treatment for healing your long-term tendon injuries.

We Don’t Recommend Shockwave Therapy To These Patients:

During diagnosis, our therapists will find out whether you are fit for shockwave therapy or not. If you are good enough to be exposed to shockwave therapy, we will also ask you to get the treatment. Otherwise, we will not allow going for this shockwave treatment. Here is the list of patients for which we didn’t recommend shockwave therapy:

  •         Patients suffering from an infection, bone tumor, nerve issues, and metabolic bone problems
  •         People having open wounds or tumors
  •         Pregnant women are not allowed to undergo shockwave therapy
  •         Patients consuming blood-thinning medications
  •         People suffering from severe circulatory disorders are not eligible for this therapy

Why Choose Us For Shockwave Therapy?

At our Calgary center, we have a team of physiotherapists with good knowledge and experience in providing shockwave therapy to patients. You don’t have to worry about the risks of undergoing this therapy at our center, as our therapist starts this procedure after conducting a diagnosis and research. Thus, it is completely safe to take a Shockwave therapy

Furthermore, during the therapy session, our physiotherapist will increase the intensity gradually to avoid getting any risks. Usually, once a week, patients will come for a therapy session. So, the therapy session is done for 3 weeks to 6 weeks based on the patients. Sometimes, you will get a mild discomfort, which you don’t have to worry about as it will last just for 4-5 minutes.

We will guide our patients at every moment of treatment and tell them information about their body condition clearly to them. Also, our therapists will ask patients not to take any anti-inflammatory medications soon after the treatment. Furthermore, we will inform our patients not to use any heat or ice over the treated area soon after the treatment. It will slow down the effectiveness of the treatment. Now, you may understand how we are especially treating our patients at Skyview Ranch Physiotherapy Northeast Calgary center.

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Call Now:
Clinic Address : Unit 1205, 55 Skyview Ranch Rd NE,Calgary Alberta T3N 0A6
Working Hours : Mon - Fri : 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Sat : 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Sunday - 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM