Fertility Acupuncture

Pregnancy & Fertility Acupuncture Calgary NE | Skyview Ranch Physiotherapy +1 403-275-0105

Skyview Ranch Physiotherapy is a specialized center in pregnancy acupuncture. At our center, we have a team of experienced physiotherapists, acupuncturists, and chiropractors with good coordination between all. With such good coordination, our fertility acupuncturists are treating the infertility condition of patients.

Generally, at pregnancy acupuncture Calgary center we use the different traditional approaches along with the modern acupuncture technique to treat infertility.

Pregnancy & Fertility Acupuncture Calgary

How Our Pregnancy Acupuncturists Treat Infertility Conditions Of Women?

It is common for most women to suffer from infertility when trying to get pregnant nowadays. This infertility rate is increasing to a peak value and in most cases the reason for infertility is PCOS. When a woman has a healthy uterus, this infertility will not happen. Thus, to treat and strengthen the health of women for increasing the chance of their pregnancy. At our fertility acupuncture NE Calgary center use a unique but innovative approach.

Additionally, our acupuncturists use customized approaches among patients like combining moxibustion and cupping therapy to improve the flow of energy. This will make the blood flow all over the body and hence, the uterus too will get a good blood flow.

Here our acupuncturists use moxibustion mainly to treat health conditions of females such as

  •         Infertility
  •         Menstrual period pain
  •         Hormonal imbalance
  •         Other menstrual problems

There is no proper confirmation that acupuncture really helps fertility. But our registered pregnancy acupuncturists Calgary believe that it will help the women to get pregnant naturally after taking the acupuncture. To increase the chances of pregnancy, our acupuncturists suggest our patients take Chinese herbs along with acupuncture treatment.

Thus, based on the health condition of the individuals, we create and use a customized approach that helps the most for fertility.

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How Do Our Acupuncture For Fertility in Calgary Help For IVF/IUI Treatment?

At the Skyview Ranch Physiotherapy NE Calgary, our acupuncturists provide the fertility acupuncture to improve the areas where eggs are developing. Our acupuncturists concentrate on such areas and insert the thin needles with proper care and attention. For those taking IVF or IUI treatment, our acupuncturists help them to increase the odds of success.

Our acupuncturists will ask such patients to take pregnancy acupuncture session before and after the IVF/IUI treatment. If you have hormonal problems, this acupuncture session will treat them best. Additionally, our physicians will conduct some therapies to relieve your stress, as stress is one main cause of infertility.

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How Do You Benefit From Fertility Acupuncture in Calgary?

When you take treatment from fertility acupuncture Calgary center, it will help you to fight against some common female health issues. Some of them include

  •         Regulating your menstrual cycle
  •         Preventing the hormonal imbalance like progesterone and estrogen levels
  •         Thicken the wall of the uterine or uterine lining
  •         Treating various female problems like PCOS, PMS, and endometriosis
  •         Preventing ectopic pregnancies
  •         Reducing the miscarriage chance
  •         Responding well to fertility medications
  •         Promoting ovulation at the right time of the menstrual cycle
  •         Relieving stress

So, our acupuncturists concentrate on patients to get the above benefits with the acupuncture treatment along with therapy sessions.

Not Ready For IVF Or IUI – Get Acupuncture Treatment For Getting Pregnant Naturally!

Some women may struggle to get pregnant but they are not ready for both IUI and IVF treatments. For those, to get pregnant in a healthy way, our acupuncturists provide the professional acupuncture for fertility treatment. For the effective working of the pregnancy acupuncture treatment, we try other approaches like Chinese herbs, nutritional products, and health supplements. Thus, we can help you in the leading way to conceive naturally without requiring IUI/IVF treatment.

Also, our prenatal acupuncturists conduct some natural fertility programs and some talk sessions to provide great relief to patients’ stress. Because stress is the big enemy that affects menstrual health. Thus, visit our pregnancy acupuncture Calgary North East center, if you are worried about your infertility disorder.

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Reach Us Today!

In addition to the above benefits, our team of experienced acupuncturists will treat you well in such a way as to get normal delivery. With the relaxing acupuncture sessions a few days before delivery, our acupuncturist prepares your body to face the labor pain and promote normal delivery.

Thus, if you have an infertility disorder and are struggling to get pregnant, you can reach us as soon as possible. We are there to provide the good care and support at all times.

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Clinic Address : Unit 1205, 55 Skyview Ranch Rd NE,Calgary Alberta T3N 0A6
Working Hours : Mon - Fri : 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Sat : 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Sunday - 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM