Dry Needling /IMS

Dry Needling And IMS Therapy in Calgary | Skyview Ranch Physiotherapy +1 403-275-0105

A therapeutic intervention that works similarly to acupuncture is dry needling. But the dry needling physiotherapy is not the same as acupuncture, as you think. At Skyview Ranch Physiotherapy center, we use a different approach for our patients to combine both dry needling and some physiotherapy interventions to achieve the result for patients.

Skyview Ranch Physiotherapy offers a wide range of IMS therapy and dry needling physical therapy services. Among those services, dry needling Calgary is one of the best treatments that our acupuncturists experienced. So, Canadians located in the city of Calgary can visit our Calgary dry needling center to throw out your acute pain and other ailments.

Who Will Get Dry Needling or IMS Therapy At SkyView Ranch Calgary Center?

For several health conditions, our physical therapists suggest you go for dry needling or IMS needle therapy to get some positive effects. This treatment works best for acute pain reduction and back pain issues.

Dry Needling And IMS Therapy in Calgary

Before starting dry needling treatment, our acupuncturists will diagnose your body conditions. After diagnosis, if you have the below symptoms, then our acupuncturists may suggest you go for dry needling. Such symptoms include,

  •         Disk ailments
  •         Joint issues
  •         Migraine and other types of headaches
  •         Whiplash
  •         Tendinitis
  •         Spinal cord problems
  •         Jaw and mouth problems
  •         Repetitive motion disorders
  •         Phantom pain
  •         Pelvic pain
  •         Post-herpetic neuralgia
  •         Night cramps

So, the patients having any of the above symptoms can go for dry needling or IMS needle therapy after the consultation of our physical therapists. But we strictly don’t allow some of the people not to undergo dry needling. Such people are

  •         Pregnant women
  •         Patients who are more scared about needles
  •         People who don’t have the knowledge and understanding about the dry                  needling treatment

Before you want to take this dry needling and IMS treatments, you need to first consult our intramuscular stimulation therapy to diagnose your body condition. In this case, if you are not fit or allergic to dry needling treatment, our acupuncturists will strictly prohibit you from taking the treatment. Because, some patients are allergic, and suffer from side effects after taking this treatment. So, our acupuncturists will simply suggest alternatives for such allergic patients.

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How Do Our Calgary Acupuncturists Provide Dry Needling?

The first thing is that our acupuncturists will analyze whether you are fit for the treatment. Soon after the diagnosis, they will start the dry needling if you are perfect for it.

The main aim of our IMS therapy acupuncturists is to treat myofascial pain and thus, we find trigger points on your skin to insert a needle. These trigger points are nothing but knotted areas or taut areas of muscles. Trigger points are also sensitive to your skin and thus, you will get more pain by touching them.

So, our IMS therapy Calgary acupuncturists will insert very thin solid needles on several trigger points of your body to stimulate the tissue. But at the same time, we never use or inject medication here. Based on the condition of the patients, our physical therapists will allow the needle to stay from seconds to several minutes.

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After dry needling, our physicians will ask you to perform corrective exercises. Soon after taking dry needling, our patients may feel some relief over the pain but can’t fix the root cause of the pain entirely with dry needling. Thus, our dry needling Calgary therapists will ask you to come for exercise sessions to get your body back to its original condition.

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Is It Safe To Take Intramuscular Stimulation Therapy At SkyView Ranch Center?

Yes, it is much safer for you to take IMS therapy at our Calgary center. The reason is that we allow only licensed and experienced IMS needle therapy physical therapists or acupuncturists or chiropractors to carry out this treatment. So, you are completely safe to get this treatment here.

Also, our IMS therapy Calgary acupuncturists are much specialized in providing this treatment, as one will not get any side effects. So far in our history, we have never done any improper needle insertion in our patients. Thus, you don’t have to worry about the side effects like

  •         Soreness
  •         Fatigue
  •         Bruising
  •         Dizziness
  •         Bleeding at the place where needles are inserted

Additionally, one doesn’t have to worry about the worst side effect, Pneumothorax, which is a major organ puncture. This condition happens when the physician inserts a needle wrongly over the lungs. But at Skyview Ranch Physiotherapy, our IMS treatments acupuncturists take care of patients the most and practice the right treatment of dry needling.

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How To Book An Appointment For Dry Needling Calgary?

We have an official website, where you can enter your details to book an appointment with us. Reach us as soon as possible if you are suffering from any of the pain or inflammation conditions!

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Call Now:
Clinic Address : Unit 1205, 55 Skyview Ranch Rd NE,Calgary Alberta T3N 0A6
Working Hours : Mon - Fri : 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Sat : 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Sunday - 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM